The Madwoman of Caillot (1980, Dr. Hoster)
The Diamond (1981, Dr. Hoster)
The Liar (1983, Dr. Hoster)
scornful of fear (1984, Mr. Elsen)
Epicoene (1985, Dr. Hoster)
the air pedestrian (1986, Dr. Hoster)
ball of thieves (1987, Dr. Hoster)
The Visit (1988, Mr. Elsen)
the physicist (1999, Ms. Zbirowsky-Baumgard)
Cold Peace (2000, Ms. Zbirowsky-Baumgard)
An angel comes to Babylon (2002, Ms. Zbirowsky-Baumgard)
Jesus Christ Superstar (2005, Ms. Kahl, Ms. Schmidt)
no war in Troy (2006, Ms. Kahl, Ms. Schmidt)
Snow White reloaded (2007, Ms. Schmidt, Ms. Kahl)
Hairomania (2008, Mrs. Stanski, Mr. Welters)
The Visit (2009, Mrs. Stanski)
Now Abba (2010, Mrs. Stanski, Mr. Welters)
Grease (2012, Mrs. Stanski, Mr. Welters)
Update (2013, Mr. Buchholz)
Much ado about nothing (2013, Mr. Buchholz, Mr. Welters)