Now Abba (2010, Mrs. Stanski, Mr. Welters)

"Now Abba ! "

- Huge success of the Literature Course 12

Elke Hochheimer

" Inspiring " "Just amazing ", " Very creative," " Intoxicating " , "Total super" - these were just some of the voices that could be heard in the break and after the game in the audience.  The students of literature course of our 12 earned those judgements, because they dared to " Abba ", their songs and the story of a daughter in search of her father. ( Any similarities of the script with well-known films and musicals are purely coincidental !) Everything was correct at this show - the story , the songs , the singers and actors , the music, the sets , the costumes, the performance , the audience .

rehersal from 06.06.2010

premiere from 07.06.2010

2nd performance from 10.06.2010


the actors

Donna Sheridan Jeannette Felken, Svenja Schmitz
Sophie Sheridan Janine Konz
Tanja Hanna Pettrup, Kathryn Menne
Rosie Tamara Walsh, Ricarda Wah
Sam Charmichael Maximilian Camphausen
Bill Anderson Sebastian Venedey
Harry Bright Felix Mies
Sky Georg Reichert
Ali Janina Moll
Ella Susanne Zimmermann
Lisa Caroline Hansen
Pepper Niklas Stock
Eddie Daniel Eußem
friends of Sophie  Filiz Cifuentes-Fuentes, Sinah Conrads, Fabienne Les-Lucca Zorn
friends of Sky Florian Kleinen, Philipp Koch, Arne König, Moritz Peltzer, Robin Peters, Niklas Wilk-Marten
Father Alexander Dominik Mallwitz
greek people Annika Seeliger (Solo), Anne Bittner, Rosa Krause, Jana Lantermann, Nora Müller, Stephanie Schüller, Ayse Nur Yavuzaslan, Tobias Baldewig, Michael David, Dominik Mallwitz
Band Nicolas Frentzen (Schlagzeug), Lukas Hedwig (Bass), Jan-Alexander Lenzen, Timo Peinelt (E-Gitarre), Deborah Richard/Bianca Skiba (Keyboard), Frank Welters (Klavier)
creators of the scenery Florian Horsch, Nils Friesen, Michael Stange, Philipp Rack
prompter Ricarda Wahl, Tamara Walsh
poster designer Janina Moll
direction Alexandra Stanski, Frank Welters