Snow White reloaded (2007, Ms. Schmidt, Ms. Kahl)

Once upon a time in a high school, long before our time ...

Marius Hoffmann, cl. 12

  Like so many brilliant ideas of mankind came to us the idea for "Snow White Reloaded" - how could it be otherwise - on a nice barbecue in the backyard. The day before, Ms. Smith replied the  question of which play should be performed: "The piece does not yet exist. A fairy tale it should be, and you will write it! " That hit home!

How should a bunch of ragtag twelfth graders who have mostly never been standing on the boards that mean the world as we know, may create a custom piece and then perform yet? At least, thought most, until - yes, until it just came to the barbecue of the team of authors. Between turkey breast and sausage coarse the story line was designed then until late into the night we created a sample scene that was presented at the following literature meeting in the auditorium. The response was overwhelmingly positive, which meant for the writing team: Back to work, guys!

In the following weeks, so paperwork was announced, and not too tight. The performance was planned very early, ergo it had to go fast. So you met several times a week, consumed tons of unhealthy sweets and brought the brains of unprecedented creativity level. It came while not rare that one of the authors was caught as he was, unable to articulate an intelligible word, rolled with laughter at his own joke on the floor. After countless sleepless nights, felt 360,000 corrections by Ms. Smith and lots of sweat and motivation holes it was finally time "Snow White Reloaded" was ready to rumble!

Now it was time for the course to press on the tube and to turn on the turbo, as to performance, there were only 2 months. What sounds like a lot at first, is actually very, very little, as we have all learned the hard way. After division of roles it started: costumes were tailored, internalized texts more or less rapidly and became the acting performances - even on one or the other Saturday - neatly filed, what the director leadership in the person of Mrs. Smith more than once to the edge a nervous breakdown brought. The date of performance drew nearer and nearer, and subjectively did not seem to really work smoothly as it probably always is before presentations.

Last but not least the help of Mrs. Kahl is the result due because we had a critic in her that was helpful to us in language problems aside ("final syllable stress: flowers, not Blumn").

Then finally it happened: The evening of the performance had come. Behind the stage, it was like before a fashion show a la "Germany's Next Top Model": Half-naked dwarfs, kings without crown, hunters with saber and stepmothers in red corset gave each other with bursting with makeup faces the jack in the hand. The existing confusion was, however, by flying expressions such as "Where is the Vaseline?" "Guys, it's jam-packed! Full !! "," shit when it's my turn? "Or simply" Aaaaaaaahhhh "not exactly a positive influence. The greater was the relief when the curtain went up. Once on stage, nervousness vanished (mostly), and the feeling of playing in front of an audience bursting with auditorium, was just amazing. Unforgettable is the moment when Niklas came to us in the cabin and began to scream hysterically: "People laugh! You laugh, "And indeed - sat almost every gag, and the guffaws were the seated backstage actors down like oil. The performance was a complete success, which could not have been nicer!

It wallowed in applause, he was the great wage labor and exertion in advance. At this point it should be mentioned that this probably would not have been possible in addition to Ms. Smith and Ms. Kahl without the help of Mr. Vohsdal, who introduced us to a large part of the scenery available. Many Thanks!

Let's just say that the whole thing will remain a well-off event for us, and ... wait, unique? As the saying goes: "And if they did not die - they might just sit on a sequel ..."
A new face breath of fresh air: Mr. Baehr from Rheydter theater offered help to support Ms. Smith in their self-sacrificing efforts. Was suboptimal, especially that our prompter Anne thrust ring, anyway not just suffering from lack of employment, even at the dress rehearsal more of Hector text recited Himself.

But the premiere was inevitable close and closer: There was at the premiere behind the stage a subtle tense atmosphere after us with the most confidence-inspiring and reassuring words, "I'll do it tonight already have" lived delicately pointed out was our main character that anything and everything was possible. No one could have been more surprised than the actor himself over for a peppered with fortunately rather inconspicuous flaws performance, the audience paid homage to the course and the line by standing ovations.

Looking back, we can recommend to everyone to choose this course. We would immediately become repeat offenders! Despite, or perhaps because of the immensely high density disaster has brought a rich wealth of unforgettable experiences and memories of us this year.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who helped us, thank you from the heart that they have made us a successful premiere: Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Kahl and Mr. Baehr, the German Art Course Level 10 for the magnificent scenery and Lisa Lenz for the great poster, the technical team of sound and light, Mr. Fell for photos and Hannah Dahlen for the filming of rehearsal. THANK YOU!


rehearsal 15.03.2007

premiere 19.03.2007